Originally posted by Jinxieooo:Ahh so its not a limit that's in place, its an event that triggers the win in lieu of a limit. I have done a 160 day run myself when it first came out testing kill farming. That being said at some point the game may become unstable due to to many mobs or other reasons based on how said map is setup after some amount of days. Launching a custom map dosen't even give you an option to pick a day limit unless the map maker makes you pick one.

You are forced to pick one in survival so not default but a required pick for survival. Even the survival maps only have the day options as they been coded in they are not default as default be def means if you dont pick any that option would be picked. There is no such thing as a default day and range of time set.

I will however now create a custom map & test this theory, I guess i'm just getting old but I remember a day when a game didn't end until you stopped playing it and anyone who created such a game wouldn't be able to sell their product since noone would want to play it its a brave new world you kids today are an odd bunch :)

I did open the editor and read the brief tutorial about creating maps and even after reading this and looking back again to make sure I didn't miss something I still see no obvious mention of how to creat a map without a day limit. Originally posted by Jinxieooo:Ahh excellent, so any custom map I create will not have the default day range of time set? I guess i assumed since I saw no option to change it from what I would consider default that there was no ability to disable the time limit.