Any post deemed low effort will be taken downĪre you sure you installed java properly? Make sure you installed it properly from the website itself.Do not steal others' work without permission when posting content.Meta posts are allowed as long as they don't spark controversy.Posts that do not directly include OMORI content or OMORI-inspired content are off-topic and violate this rule.

All posts must be directly relevant to OMORI.Don't include spoilers in post titles either, these will be removed. This includes references to NSFW material, even in a mocking manner. Absolutely no NSFW content or discussions allowed.Posts that cause inflammatory debate might be locked or removed.Don't start fights and take heated arguments elsewhere. Treat everyone with respect, just like you would in public.When the time comes, the path you’ve chosen will determine your fate. Navigate through the vibrant and the mundane in order to uncover a forgotten past.

OMORI is a surreal psychological horror RPG Maker game.Įxplore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes.